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Nyota Beans


Grows fast in 2 months Marigat 0724392963

Location: marigatPhone: 0724392963

Yellow beans


Has high protein Does well in most soils. Does not cause blotting when consumed

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0723661887 Chelebat Baringo county

Red cow peas


Does well in loam soil. High protein levels. Drought torelant.

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0702204392, Emkwen village Baringo county

Black cow peas


Plant can be used as forage or for hay or silage. Highly nutritious due to its black colour. Does

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0700563116, Sandai Baringo county

Flowered cow peas


0702243019, Chomnyet Village Baringo county Is a protein rich peas. Leaves add nitrogen to

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0702243019, Chomnyet Village

Flowered broad Beans


0746974484, Chepkoteyan village Baringo County Easy to cook. High nutrition value that exceeds

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0746974484, Chepkoteyan village

White broad beans


0729076108, Kapchekendi village Baringo County Flowers are white. Very productive in humus rich

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0729076108, Kapchekendi village

Red sorghum


0702737010 Nakuru County

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0721966188, Kabasis village

Red millet


Nakuru County

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0704942921, Kabasis village

Kibaki beans


0772227675 Sandai Centre Nakuru county High yielding, resistant to aphids attack. Well adapted to

Location: Cannot determine address at this location.Phone: 0772227675, Sandai Centre